
Park View Residential Care Home

Parkview Residential Care Home is a 3 storey detached building with a front and rear open roof balcony; the building is part of a modern development retaining many original features. The home has a front and spacious rear garden with ample parking on the private front drive. The Home is situated opposite Streatham common south side. The home caters for up to 15 men and women with mental health problems and other related health problems.

The home provides either short-term rehabilitation or long term care and support for individuals who require its specialist services. The aim of the home is to offer a stable environment for people who have a history of recurring hospital admissions. The care we provide is structured in order to promote the development of realistic independence by providing high quality accommodation and support and encouraging service users to see Parkview residential care home as their home with all the benefits and expectations this arouses.

Parkview residential care home aims to satisfy the demand to provide continuous aftercare in the community for individuals with mental health problems and their complex needs. To this end, we aim to provide a 24hour low to medium supported care home for the continual rehabilitation of men and women discharged from psychiatric hospital, medium secure units or special hospitals to independent living in the wider community, and to resume their usual level of functioning for normal and appropriate risk taking, to ensure privacy, dignity, independence, choice, rights and fulfilling lives.

Improving the quality of life of individual service user and minimising the risk posted to themselves and to others whilst living in the community is central to all that we do here at Parkview Residential Care home.

In compliance with the Essential standards of quality and safety, it is our intention to regularly review our statement of purpose.


Parkview Residential Care Home is a spaciously attractive Care Home. All the facilities meet the essential standards of Quality and safety in compliance with the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010 and the Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations 2009

  • Accommodation
  1. 13 Single bedrooms and 2 double bedrooms
  2. 6 of the single bedrooms have an en-suite bathrooms/shower/toilet
  3. All 2 double rooms have an en-suite shower/toilet
  4. There are 5 single bedrooms on the ground floor with a double bedroom
  5. The first floor has 7 single bedrooms and 1 double bedroom
  6. The top floor has 1 single bedroom and 1 night staff sleeps in room
  7. There are 5 communal toilets, two with shower cubicles and two with bath tubs
  8. All the rooms are furnished with modern furniture, good lighting, laminated floors and are centrally heated.
  9. The service user will be the only person to have access to his/her bedroom; however staff may need to enter on the following grounds:
    1. In event of emergency
    2. For health and safety reasons
    3. If they have occupant’s permission

The lounge is fully furnished with a TV, a video and a stereo. The kitchen is equipped with modern appliances.

Service users living at Parkview Residential Care Home are encouraged to be as independent as possible. Service user and staff are treated and respected as individuals. Services users are aided and supported in considering what they want from life in future and with the support of staff, endeavour to make things happen

The House offers a safe comfortable home environment where service users begin to build confidence and self esteem that enable them to reintegrate back into the community after periods of hospital care. As well as getting to know the other service users, individual service users will be able to meet people by getting involved in different activities in the local community, either by going to a day centre, college, gym or by being assisted to find work or work experience. Staff will be able to help service users to organise this. The staff will also help with other issues such as:

  1. Medication management and compliance of treatment
  2. Physical health needs
  3. Monitoring and managing substance misuse problems
  4. Daily living skills, such as attending to personal hygiene, shopping, cooking, budgeting etc.

All service users are encouraged to engage in external activities and help is given in referrals to local community centres, libraries, or voluntary occupation in local charity shops.

All service users have a bedroom and share facilities such as the lounge and kitchen with other service users in the home. Services user will be helped to clean their rooms in line with rehabilitation programme. There is no time limit on length of stay. Service users will be supported in moving in to more independent less intensively supported accommodation when this is agreed and arranged by the patient’s locality team.

At time of acute crisis it may be necessary to arrange for service user to be admitted to hospital.


Service users are provided with breakfast, lunch, tea and supper. The home has qualified and competent cook and provision is made for service users with differing dietary needs. Service users have a choice of 3 different menus. Through our rehabilitation programme service users are encouraged to prepare meals under staff supervision.


2 industrial washing machines and 2 industrial tumble dryers are available for usage by able service users. Under our rehabilitation programme service users do their own laundry under staff supervision.


The home operates a key worker system. Assistance is given with personal hygiene, dressing and bathing. With the rehabilitation programme service users are encourage to attend to their own personal care with or without staff supervision following a risk assessment.


Parkview Residential care home will ensure to meet the needs of service users who require specific cultural dietary or religious need. We strive to ensure that you are given every opportunity to continue to follow your culture and chosen religion and we will offer you the opportunity to do so both inside and outside the home .If there are any particular aspects of your culture or religion that you do not feel are represented in the home please speak to your key worker.


Visitors are welcome to visit service users at the house, but they must remain in the communal areas and must leave the house no later than 10pm.Visitors is not allowed to stay overnight. You are more than welcome to invite friends and family to eat with you. However you will need to give us at least two days notice so that the cooks can prepare for this. There will be a small charge for this service.

  • PETS

For health & Safety reasons service users are not allowed to keep pets in Parkview residential care home.


Service users are welcome to organise their own outings, if appropriate. Parkview Residential Care Home management organises group outings once or twice annually. Smaller batches of service users are taken out weekly in the van to parks, beaches and places of interests for the day.


There is a designated smoking area. This is where service user can smoke. Service users can also smoke in the garden area. All other areas in the building are non-smoking and users are requested to comply with this rule for health and safety reasons. Service users who smoke and have mobility problems are accommodated on the ground floor in rooms with smoke extractors.


A service user of Parkview residential care home has the right to,

  1. Privacy and respect. Rooms may not be entered without the service users’ permissions or unless an emergency, health and safety issues, warrants this. You will be addressed by your preferred name. I.e. Mr, Miss, Mrs, or by you first name or any nickname. You can expect staff to speak to you in a manner, which promotes understanding and respect.
  2. A peaceful and safe environment
  3. Leisure, training and educational pursuits
  4. Freedom from fear of verbal or physical abuse
  5. Freedom from harassment on the grounds of race, gender, sexuality, religion, culture, age or disability
  6. The protection of your licence agreement and its objective implementation in line with understood procedures
  7. To be consulted in all aspects of your care and issues affecting the home
  8. Appeal against a decision and have the right to independent representation
  9. Make a complaint without fear of reprisal
  10. Do anything not prohibited by law or your licence agreement
Expect that your civil rights and liberties not to be infringed upon in any way

There will be a service user’s house meetings once a week to discuss menus and other issues associated with the management of the home. Minutes will be taken and service users are encouraged to contribute to the for the basic house rules for the comfort of all. The meeting is usually held in service users lounge area of the home. All service users are strongly encouraged to attend. This is your forum to discuss issues about the home.


The home is staffed 24 hours a day. The staff work shifts are as follows

Shift Times Staff on duty
Early shift 8am – 2pm & 8am-4pm 2
Late shift 2pm-8pm 2
Waking night staff 8pm-8am 0
Overnight sleep 8pm-12am & 6pm –8am 1

The manager is on duty Monday –Friday 9am –5pm

The home has the following staff


Manager 01
Senior Care Support Workers 07
Care Support Workers 05
Domestic Assistant 01
Cook 01

The staffs have a wide range of experience and skills built up over many years of working in supportive environments. Currently more than 50% of the care staff holds an NVQ certificate of Level 2 or higher. All the staff regularly receives training and development opportunities to help them upgrade their knowledge within the field.


Service users may be admitted on either a long (without limit of time) or short-term basis, or for a period of assessment with a written report and recommendations.

The fee for each service user is determined individually after consultation of personal requirements. Once the fee is set, there are no extras unless additional services or staffing hours are commissioned due to changes in need. This would only be done after a full consultation and agreement with the funding authority or the locality team. All fees are payable one month in advance by invoice.

Referrals must be made in writing for the prospective service user by a social worker or representative of the funding authority or purchaser.

Referrals must include the following information:

  • Medical history and highlight any physical or disabilities of the prospective service user
  • Psychiatric history including diagnosis and treatment received
  • Offending behaviour or forensic history stating any violent or anti-social behaviour that did and or did not give a rise to criminal proceedings
  • Social circumstances report stating any particular person that may be considered as being at risk (i.e. family member, ex-partner)
  • History of illicit substance misuse and alcohol abuse
  • Mental Health Act status and any expected changes, if applicable
  • A clear indication of multi-disciplinary care plans for the prospective service user including minutes and summaries of previous section 117 meetings, CPA`s case conferences and ongoing treatment and therapies
  • Conditions of discharge
  • A comprehensive list to include relevant contact details for all those retaining responsibility for the service user post discharge, including emergency and out of hour contacts
  • Clear information regarding identifiable risk factors or precipitating factors, ad of any behaviour liable to give rise for concern or of which responsible agencies would wish to be informed
  • Early warning signs of relapse and information on risk management plans or strategies
  • Where applicable, a copy of the conditions attached to a conditional discharge under section 37/41 of the Mental Health Act 1983
  • A supporting psychiatric report from the responsible Medical Officer (R.M.O) to include medication and proposed treatment arrangements in the community
  • Information on significant other and their contact details
  • Information on the prospective service users level of motivation, strengths and areas of limited ability where more support may be required
  • The individual’s preferences and special needs or specific cultural requirements together with any recreational activities enjoyed
  • A statement to indicate what is hoped will be gained from a period at Parkview Residential Care Home from referrer of prospective service user perspective.
  • An indication of daytime activities in which the service user is involved that can be supported in the community
  • A clear indication of organisation or individual professional that will maintain ongoing statutory responsibility for the prospective service user.
  • Trial period shall last for a period of four to six weeks
  • When a service user is required to leave Parkview residential Care Home, it is expected that the funding authority with statutory responsibility will ensure that alternative facilities are made available.
  • Parkview residential care home endeavours to ensure a through assessment is undertaken on each referral to facilitate a successful placement in the community.
  • In order to expedite the referral and admission process the following criteria MUST be met:-
  • The referral authority must ensure that the referral meets eligibility criteria in order to be considered for residence at Parkview Residential Care Home
  • We require access for information form Medical, social work, psychologist, nursing and occupational therapy by ways of reports. We would further like the opportunity to meet with professionals working with the person referred.
  • Parkview residential care home MUST receive a written confirmation of funding for service user at the house form the responsible home authority. This includes funding for trial stay periods.
  • There must be regular contact and structured communication between the Parkview Residential Care home management team and the referring care team or multi-disciplinary team
  • All aspects of responsibility for admission to hospital must be identified and guaranteed in the event of relapse.
  • Parkview Residential Care Home will offer the following to all service users: –
  1. An individual key worker assigned to each service user.
  2. A care manager to ensure the smooth operation and running of the home
  3. Accurate record keeping on all service users
  4. Continuous partnership between service user and his/her care co-ordinator.
  5. Three monthly review meetings involving member(s) from the service user funding authority
  6. Regular house meetings
  7. Support to service users to learn new skills or acquire qualification through outside agencies, colleges and appropriate work places
  8. Preparation of meals by staff with assistance from service users

We have a legal responsibility to be aware of any medication you are taking. If you are able to look after and take your medication on your own then we encourage this. However please inform your key workers of what your current medication and how often you are required to take it. If your medication should change please inform us so that we could update our records.

Any medication that you look after yourself must be kept securely locked in your lockable cabinet. Your key worker would need to make checks on this from time to time to ensure that you are doing this and that you are taking your medication correctly. This would be agreed with you and recorded in your care plan

If you feel you are not capable of looking after your medication yourself then we would be happy to look after them for you and to ensure that they are administered at the correct times.


There are a number of GP surgeries in this area. The support staff would assist you to register with any one of these GP surgeries if approached. However, if you are unhappy with your choice then we would be happy to look into other surgeries within the area that you could register with. Your key worker would assist you about your preferences.


The manager and staff at Parkview residential care home understands that it is often difficult for service user to make complaint or suggestions about the care they receive within the home. Parkview have a complaint procedure, which will deal with all the complaints in the home. Any member of staff who is receiving either verbal criticism or an informal complaint form a service user should listen to the problem and endeavour to ensure the service user understands that an immediate explanation will be given.

  1. The complainant should be informed of the action that will be taken and if appropriate, be given an apology.
  2. The subject of the complaint should be recorded with a summary of the conversation and resolution or decision
  3. If the service user is not happy with the outcome they can write to the Director: Ruma Luckeerain is at: Crownwise Limited 2 Streatham Common South Streatham LONDON SW16 3BT
  4. Alternatively, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) can be contacted.

Parkview Residential care home takes all positive action to promote equal opportunities while appreciating the benefits of diversity.

The home would ensure that as far as possible no resident or member of staff receives less favourable treatment than another on the grounds of: –

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Race
  • Ethnicity or national origins
  • Sexual orientation, or
  • Disability

Parkview Residential Care home recognise that progress towards removing discrimination requires the responsibility, participation and commitment of staff, service user and outside agencies.

Parkview Residential Care home is committed to maintaining a high profile for the development and implementation of equal opportunities in its overall operations


Parkview residential care home abides by the health and safety act 1974 and the European community regulation 1993. However, if you notice anything in the building that you feel may be dangerous or could cause yourself or others harm, please report it to a member of staff immediately.

Parkview Residential care home is protected by three zone fire alarm system with smoke detectors in every room. Fire extinguishers and break glass points, protective fire doors, heat sensor, and fire blanket and carbon extinguisher in the kitchen.


The manager will identify and maintain a list of any service users within the home who may have infectious diseases, as listed below that are required to be reported to the Inspection Unit:

  • Hepatitis types A and B
  • HIV whether this has or not developed into AIDS
  • Tuberculosis
  • MRSA
  • Scabies
  • All other noticeable diseases

Parkview residential care home will work with service user who have been identified as HIV positive, have been diagnosed with AIDS or who are carriers of the virus.

Service user will be treated with confidentiality and respect and will not be discriminated against in any way. Counselling in matters relating to contagious diseases will be made available to service users or staff in strict confidence.


The Social worker, Care co-ordinator, Community Mental Health Nurse or a member of the professional care team may call us directly to discuss whether we have any vacancies. We would subsequently send them an official application form, which must be completed in full and returned to us. Once this has been received we would conduct an assessment of the service user’s needs to ascertain whether we could offer the kind of support the prospective service user requires.

  • Admission Criteria

All service users undergo a pre-admission assessment, which is conducted by the home manager. The findings of the pre-admission assessment and reports from the referring agency including psychiatric history, risk assessment of needs and care plans are discussed with the care team to ensure the home can meet the individual needs. The support staff would only accept a new referral applicant if they feel the home could adequately meet their needs as determined through the assessment.

  • Emergency Admission

Unplanned admissions should take place only in emergencies. In such cases, the new service user must be thoroughly informed about the Home within at least 48 hours after admission and all other admission criteria must be met within no more than five working days. Service users placed in an emergency are fully assessed and relocated if the care provided is not appropriate to their needs.

If there are any aspects of this handbook that you do not understand or you would like someone to read through with you, please do not hesitate to speak to the management team.

In order to provide you with the highest possible level of service we need to work in partnership.


Address: 17 Streatham Common South Streatham, London, SW16 3BU

[Tel: 020 8679 2364]
[Fax: 020 8679 2364]

Head office

Adddress: 2 Streatham common south,  Streatham, London, SW16 3BT

[Tel: 020 8679 8710]
[Fax: 020 8665 0223]


The home is owned and operated by Crownwise Limited

Address: :2 Streatham Common South Streatham LONDON SW16 3BT

[Tel: 020 8679 8710]
[Fax: 020 8764 2229]


Address: 17 Streatham Common South Streatham LONDON SW16 3BU

[Tel: 020 8679 2364]
[Fax: 020 8764 2229]


Local map showing where Park View Residential Care Home is located


Care Quality Commission

Address: Citygate Gallowgate  Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4PA

[Tel : 03000616161]
[Fax :03000616171]


South London and Maudsley (SLAM)

Lambeth PAMS Team (now Lambeth High Support Team)

Address: 24-28 Norwood High Street West Norwood SE27 9NR

[Tel: 020 3228 7140]


Southwark High Support Team Maudsley Hospital

Address: CAMBERWELL London SE5 8AZ

[Tel: 020 3228 7140]


Southwark High Support Team

Address: 24-28 Norwood High Street West Norwood SE27 9NR

[Tel: 020 3228 7140]



Age Concern

Address: 3rd floor 336 Brixton Road LONDON SW9 7AA

[Tel: 020 7733 0528]

City of Westminster

Adults Services

Address: 14th Floor – East, City Hall 64 Victoria Street London SW1E 6QP

[Tel: 020 7641 1858]

[Fax: 020 7641 1881]

Brent Council

Adult Social Care | Care Management and Review

Address: 3rd Floor Mahatma Gandhi House 34 Wembley Hill Road Wembley Middlesex, HA9 8AD

[Tel: 020 8937 4624]

[Fax: 020 8937 4638]

[One Stop Shop: 020 8937 4300]

Care Quality Commission

London Region

Address: Citygate Gallowgate Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4PA

[Tel: 03000616161]