Who We Are

We Make A Difference In People Lives

Crownwise Limited offers residential, supported living in a range of locations across London.  All Crownwise Limited homes offer exceptional care, friendly surroundings and top quality dining.  You can see the full list of our homes here and even book a visit to see what makes Crownwise unique.

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Corwnwise Limited residential care home aims to provide the highest quality of care in a homely and safe environment, for both men and women with a history of mental illness who may also have a history of offending. We are committed to proving informed choice to enable the service users to think and act independently, taking increasing responsibility for their own lives and maximising their potential without having to rely on staff assistance or having things done for them.

Crownwise Limited

Aims & Objective

  • To promote self esteem, independence and enable you to develop within the community and realise your goals and aspirations
  • Provide high quality of care and support in a pleasant and homely environment, in compliance with the section 20 regulations of the Health and Social Care Act 2008,  to men and women with mental health problems and/or have a history of offending behaviour
  • Enable service users to manage their lives within the framework of the house and within the community, taking full responsibility for their actions
  • Helping service users to take reasonable and fully thought –out risks following full O.T assessments
  • Provide a lifestyle for service users which satisfies their social, cultural, religious and recreational interests and needs
  • Help service user to exercise choice over their lives
  • Assist service users to avail themselves of training and opportunities in the community
  • Enable service users to participate in assessments and reviews of their individual needs in collaboration with a care co-ordinator and to jointly negotiate care plans
  • Facilitate regular individual and group meetings with service users and staff concerning the running of the home
  • Provide regular staff support and supervision to maximise staff development and enable staff to meet the needs of the service users.
Based on The Principles

Our Mission

  • Choose who they live with or where to live
  • Have their own home and choose how they are supported or choose who supports them
  • Get good support hence choosing their own friends and relationships
  • Choose how to be healthy, safe and take part in the community
  • Have the same rights and responsibilities as any other citizen and invariably being able to make changes in their lives